so I find myself really struggling with trying to be a good mom, trying to figure out what I can do, where I am suppose to go, and I realize that I want a standard, you know, some sort of measurement that I can compare myself to so that I can say "ok this is where I'm at" but as a mother, you don't have that. You have compare yourself to other moms, on the contrary, people tell you to never compare yourself because we're all different, so, it's really hard for me to praise myself or have good feelings about what I'm doing with my babe. I often feel guilty that I'm not doing enough or that I should be doing something else but I just don't know what else is it that I'm suppose to be doing - again - I want something that I can measure myself against. So this is where I struggle, and not just from time to time but on a daily basis. Constantly I find myself wondering...well, finally I realize that what I'm doing is added unnecessary stress to my life! And I read some info today that when you are stress it releases something in your body that sends signals to the brain to eat more sugar, you crave it, well that's what I find myself doing! craving sugar, sweets, anything!!! I thought it was something else but no, it totally makes sense. I just wanted to cry and breakdown to someone. I wanted someone really wise and knowledgable to tell me "you're doing a good job" well today someone said to my baby "you're lucky" (to have me as a mom) - is what they were implying and I just felt like that was what I needed to hear and I thought it was really nice of them to say that because I don't see myself that way! but I need to start giving myself some credit, like HEY! I *am* dong a great job!! Or at least I am trying!!!! I am trying!! My mom told me that being a mom is one of the hardest jobs, and you know what, she's right lol. Also, another thing I realized is that I was forcing something to happen when really my babe was trying to tell me that he's not ready, I never saw it that way! I saw it as: delayed development. Well, every baby is different, and sure there is a "norm" which I guess goes back to that measurement that I needed to help me feel better. I think I just now understand that I need to guide my babe but also take hints from him, you know, like when he gags and chokes, well then he's not ready for lumpy food even though he is 10 months old! Perhaps he just need a little more time, like me, and my wonderful hubby, we just need some extra time and some extra love and we'll be alright, so why would I expect my son to be any different? Lol! It makes me smile now as I contemplate how special it is to have a babe and then realize how much they will be like you, wow, I better be on my best behaviour then!!! I often think about what I can change about myself, like characteristics so that my babe will be better off in the future, but perhaps I am just thinking way to far ahead when I need to spend time in the now moment, right now.
Also, today a fear of mine became real and it just made me cry. Also it wasn't really real and perhaps it was the icing on the cake that I needed in order to really release the tension inside of me, I've been wanting to cry all day and finally it came out! did I feel better? kind of, and then I turn the radio on and this song comes on: "I'm not a perfect person" and it's true! I'm not a perfect person and I need to give myself a break! You know, stop being so dang hard on myself, I need to start building myself up in my mind and being gentle with myself because that's how I learn best, when someone is encouraging me....saying "you can do it! I believe in you!" that's what I need to hear and that's what I should tell myself so that I can jump over these hurdles in my mind that keep blocking me. Mental hurdles are the worst because you can't physically pick them up and move them, it's a way of re-training your brain to think different thoughts, and that's hard!! But I'm learning that as we struggle, we get stronger. Just as a babe learning and trying to first pull himself up onto furniture will struggle, he will get stronger and he able to do it with no problem. Keep trying, you'll get it!
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